Salt Habour, Notre Dame Bay

Englee, Great Northern Peninsula

Herring Neck, Notre Dame Bay

Greenspond Tranquility, Bonavista Bay

Tilting, Fogo Island

St. Anthony, Great Northern Peninsula

Loading Nets, Gooseberry Cove, Trinity Bay

Heaving Over the Boats, Bay de Verde, Conception Bay

Brig Bay, Great Northern Peninsula

Sunnyside, Trinity Bay

Ramea, South Coast

Belleoram, Fortune Bay

Pilley's Island, Notre Dame Bay

Parkers Cove, Placentia Bay

A Different Clothesline,
Parkers Cove, Placentia Bay

Little Bay Island, Notre Dame Bay

Biscay Bay, Trepassy Bay

English Harbour, Trinity Bay

Port Au Bras, Placentia Bay

The Cribbies, Tors Cove, Southern Shore

Pouch Cove, Northeast Avalon

Right of Way
St.Carol's, Great Northern Peninsula

Trinity from Gun Hill, Trinity Bay

Burgeo, South Coast

Mortier, Placentia Bay

St. Joseph's, St.Mary's Bay

Fox Roost, Southwest Coast

Squid Drying, Salvage, Bonavista Bay

Ryan's  Premises, Bonavista, Bonavista Bay

Hickman's Harbour, Trinity Bay

Woody Point, Bonne Bay
Gros Morne in Background

Échantillon de photographies extraites du livre" One Hundred Outports",
 photography by Ben HANSEN, Vineland Press, St. John's, Newfoundland, 1990
La qualté de l'impression (grand format  25 cm x 20 sur papier glacé) fait recommander l'achat du livre
 à tout amateur de ces paysages grandioses.

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